農村、災區專用快速淨水桶“Quickly” water purifier is a terminal device for drinking water. Product has features of greater producing capacity , full automatic , electricity-free , long service life and low cost. It is an ideal , safe , convenient , practical and reliable raw water treatment device. Watertreatedby“Quickly”waterpurifier can meet the national standards for the daily drinking water quality. “Quickly” water purifier can widely apply to remove fluoride, arsenic, bacteria, organic matter, iron, toxic metals and so on from contaminated drinking water.
本快速濾水桶的濾材採用形成於白堊紀的火山岩礦石經揀選提純、酸處理、中和、改型、乾燥、焙燒、過篩等活化處理而成。 具有使用效果越用越好,處理週期越用越長的特性。所以可以長期反覆使用。

A: 可過濾泥沙、鐵鏽….等水中雜質。 B: 5微米PP濾心,不會將自來水中的氯去除,過濾後的水進入